We the people, hereby known as :Gavin-John: from the house of Marsich, General Guardian / Kaitiaki, solemnly and sincerely affirm:
In relation to The Rule Of Law By The Law of The Land, a clarification from you of what laws and jurisdiction you comprehend this to be, and you will answer all the following questions.
Is it not true by the maxims of law: Ignorance of the law is no excuse?
Is it not true by the maxims of law: Everyone is equal under the law?
Is it not true by the maxims of law: Truth stands sovereign in law?
Is it not true that the Colonial Government of New Zealand has no written constitution and therefore by convention needs the consent by both parties agreement to contract?
Is it not true that the Colonial Government of New Zealand has no Allodium title or any true Royal Estate to act as the governing body to apply The Rule of Law by The Law of The Land?
Is it not true that the Colonial Government of New Zealand has never been given a mandate by any referendum by the people of New Zealand to be The Government of New Zealand?
Is it not true that The 1835 Declaration Of Independence by King William IV. in trade with The Paramount Chiefs of The Northern Maori Indigenous Tribes is supreme in standing in The Dominion Of New Zealand?
Is it not true that the 1835 Declaration Of Independence has its own flag with Royal Assent from King William IV.?
Is it not true that The 1835 Declaration of Independence by Royal Assent upholds a Flag that was raised on the land and had a twenty one gun salute at Waitangi in March 1834 from Capt Lambert of the British Man of War Ship H.M.S. Alligator and witnessed by vessels from The United States Of America and The Republic Of France?
Is it not true that The 1835 Declaration Of Independence upholds The Law Of The Land?
Is it not true that The Treaty Of Waitangi was brought to New Zealand to bring commerce to the Dominion?
Is it not true that The 1840 Treaty Of Waitangi was never signed by Queen Victoria therefore has no Royal Assent?
Is it not true that The 1840 Treaty Of Waitangi never had a twenty one gun salute?
Is it not true that The Treaty Of Waitangi does not uphold The Law Of The Land by Royal Assent?
Is it not true that The Treaty Of Waitangi was brought to this Dominion by a British Naval Officer William Hobson to bring commerce by the laws of the sea?
Is it not true that the laws of the sea are subordinate to The Law Of Land?
Is it not true that the laws of the sea brought about by British Admiralty and Maritime laws was used as an instrument by The Corporation called THE CITY OF LONDON known as THE CROWN to bring about commerce throughout The British Empire?
Is it not true that The Corporation CROWN is different and separate from The Sovereign Crown of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.?
Is it not true that THE CITY OF LONDON is a Corporation called THE CROWN?
Is it not true that THE CROWN CORPORATION is separate from The Sovereign Crown of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.?
Is it not true that the present Colonial Government of New Zealand is operating under Maritime / Admiralty laws?
Is it not true that the present Colonial Government of New Zealand and its legislated laws, is operating under subordinate laws as indicated in The New Zealand 1988/89 Imperial Laws Application Act?
Is it not true that the District and High Courts under the jurisdiction of The New Zealand Colonial Government is operating under the subordinate system of admiralty process jurisprudence and not The Law Of The Land?
Is it not true that the lease of the land in accordance with The 1840 Treaty Of Waitangi finished in 1939?
Is it not true that the system of jurisprudence is subordinate to H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. Royal Laws of Hierarchy up holding The Laws Of The Land?
Is it not true that all judges in both the District and High Courts of this Dominion called New Zealand by the symbolism of their black robes are operating under burnt trampled charcoal subordinate law?
Is it not true that the term charcoal law came from the British historic event, when the Red Robed Law Lords of H.M. The King, overruled laws bought about by new law reforms, subject to The British Industrial Revolution, which tried to supersede H.M. The Kings Laws of Hierarchy upheld by The Holy Bible, to which they in turn were burnt and trampled on the parchment the new laws were written on?
Is it not true that the New Zealand Colonial Government is an extension of the Australian New South Wales Government and therefore not The Sovereign Government of this Dominion called New Zealand?
Is it not true that the present New Zealand Flag with the British Union Jack in the upper left hand corner with the red inserted stars of the southern cross on the remainder of the flag, presently upheld by The New Zealand Colonial Government, was initially taken from a Wellington yacht club and has no Royal Assent?
Is it not true that The New Zealand Colonial Government is operating under a corporation named HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND?
Is it not true that HER MAGESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND is a corporation upholding bankruptcy, which in turn is holding the debt and liability between The New Zealand Debt Management Office and The United States Securities and Exchange Commission?
Is it not true that HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND file number with The United States Securities and Exchange Commission is 0000216105?
Is it not true that HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND and The Living Sovereign Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. are not the same?
Is it not true that HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND is not sovereign?
Is it not true that The New Zealand Colonial Government and its justice system is bankrupt?
Is it not true that The United States Securities and Exchange Commission is connected to The United States Federal Reserve Bank?
Is it not true that The United States Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned?
Is it not true that all bank notes, credit cards, cheques issued and authorized by The New Zealand Reserve Bank, no longer have any true intrinsic value based on gold or silver bullion, but are introduced as a debt and liability to the people of New Zealand?
Is it not true that all judges in the District and High Courts take an oath to The Living Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II. and Her Majesties Heirs and Successors on the Holy Bible?
Is it not true that The Living Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II. took an oath on The Stone Of Destiny or otherwise known as Jacobs Pillar, which is inserted in the wooden coronation chair of King Edward I. , to uphold The Laws of Almighty God and to Her Subjects by these laws as Defender Of The Faith?
Is it not true that The Present living Monarch H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is of The Royal Blood Line of Zarah to the line of Pharaz to King David Of Israel to The Savior Jesus The Christ or as in the Hebrew language known and named as “Yeshua” or “Yahushua”?
Is it not true that the Common Law Of England prevails in the laws of this Dominion called New Zealand, as indicated in section five (5) of the 1988/89 Imperial Laws Application Act?
Is it not true that The Holy Bible is the highest statute in all New Zealand Courts of Law?
Is it not true that to uphold a fraud is a criminal offence?
Is it not true that for all public servants making and upholding a sworn oath to the living Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II, to usurp their authority above their sworn oath to the living Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II is an act of High Treason?
Is it not true that The 1571 Treasons Act upholds the death penalty?
Is it not true that no one is above the Law Of The Land but Almighty God?
Everything in this Asseveration is true and correct to the best of our knowledge.