The World Constitution and Parliament Association offers an organization and a course of action by which people and government leaders who want peace and human welfare can gain control over world affairs for the good of all people on Earth. Objectives and Actions
World Government The comprehensive objective, to be achieved in progressive stages, is a democratic, non-military, federal world government, which can solve world problems peacefully and administer those affairs which transcend national boundaries for the benefit of humanity everywhere. The World Government will have a representative World Parliament to enact world legislation, with one chamber elected by the people; A World Executive responsible to the Parliament, with authority to implement world legislation directly; a World Judiciary with mandatory enforcement of decisions; and such other organs as are desirable and necessary for the adequate and effective solution of world problems and management of global affairs.
Earth Constitution To achieve a democratic World Government, the WCPAGREN works for the ratification, or provisional ratification, of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Ratification is sought by national parliaments, national governments, local and state governments, universities and colleges, and by individuals and popular referendum. The Earth Constitution was prepared at two drafting sessions of a World Constituent Assembly, held in 1968 at Interlaken, Switzerland, and Wolfach, W. Germany, and in 1977 at Innsbruck, Austria, with about 200 delegates from all continents, then reinforced at a third session at Colombo, Sri Lanka, in 1979.
Provisional World Parliament Until the Earth Constitution is ratified by at least 25 countries, the W.C.P.A. helps to organize sessions of a Provisional World Parliament, which is organized under the terms of Article 19 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. The Provisional World Parliament has adopted to date more than 50 world legislative measures to deal with major world problems. Eight at its first two sessions which were held at Brighten, England, September, 1982, and at New Delhi, India, March, 1985 and three at the third session at Miami Beach, Florida, June 1987. Provisional World Parliament sessions now have reach 14, the 14th Session to be held in Kolkata, India December 27 - 29, 2015. When the Earth Constitution is ratified by 25 countries, the Provisional Parliament will be supplanted by a fully functioning World Parliament elected and composed as specified in the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.
World Legislation As part of the process of the emergence of World Government, the W.C.P.A. works for the ratification and step-by-step implementation of world legislation enacted by the Provisional World Parliament, including:
Bill #1: to outlaw nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, and to establish a World Disarmament Agency. Bill #2: for a World Economic Development Organization, which will establish a new global system of finance and credit, and help begin the "new world economic order." Bill #3: for ownership, administration and development of the oceans and seabeds of Earth(from 20 km. offshore) as the common heritage of the People of Earth. Bill #4: for a Graduate School of World Problems, as part of a World University System. Bill #5: for Provisional District World Courts. Bill #6: for an Emergency Earth Rescue Administration, to bring carbon dioxide levels under control, save the environment, and prevent universal starvation as a result of global climatic catastrophe. Bill #7: for a World Government Funding Corporation, to finance the entire program. Bill #8: for a World Commission on Terrorism. Bill #9: to protect life and nature on Planet Earth, and to create a global Ministry of Environment. Bill #10: for a World Hydrogen Energy System Authority. Bill #11: for an Act for the Earth Financial Credit Corporation. And all World Legislation enacted by the Provisional World Parliament at subsequent sessions.
Provisional World Cabinet As a further step towards an operating World Government, the Provisional World Parliament will inaugurate a Provisional World Cabinet at next sessions of the Parliament. The Cabinet will be composed of continuing Cabinet Ministers and Commissions, and will be responsible for implementing, insofar as possible, the legislation of the Parliament. The members of the Cabinet must be accredited delegates to the Parliament, and will in effect serve as a Provisional World Government, merging with the Cabinet of the eventual World Government under a ratified Constitution for the Federation of Earth.
World Constituent Assembly Prior to the final campaign for ratification of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, another session of the World Constituent Assembly will be held, to go over the Earth Constitution, and make any amendments found necessary. It is proposed to hold the next session of the World Constituent Assembly when five countries have given provisional ratification to the Earth Constitution.
Organizational Structure The World Constitution and Parliament Association is a worldwide organization based on individual membership, national branches, local chapters, and a section for members of national Parliaments. Currently, the W.C.P.A. has individual members in 60 countries and national branches in 15 countries.