Aotearoha Kawanatanga acknowledges the link between the mind, the spirit, the human connection with family, and the physical world in a way that is seamless and uncontrived.
Aotearoha Kawanatanga have adopted Holistic Healing as an approach to healing both mind and body which utilises natural healing methods. Some call it “alternative medicine.”
It is rapidly becoming the most popular approach to health. But to call it alternative or medicine would be inaccurate for it is neither alternative nor medicine. The techniques come from both modern scientific understanding and the ancient past, dating before Hippocrates, and therefore can hardly be thought of as alternative. It uses no toxic drugs or medicines, disfiguring surgery, or deadly radiation, so it is not “medicine” as that term is currently understood.
Holistic Healing combines the time-proven traditional healing arts with new mind-body discoveries to revive the tremendous healing power within us.
The Aotearoha Kawanatanga Community environment supports the maintenance of peak health through proper diet & nutrition, movement & exercise, conscious intent and conducive living environments. Organic food grown with the same conscious intent to heal; seeds which have been stored in biological capacitors before planting; structured, vortex treated water for drinking and food production; the support of a world-class network of experts in human wellbeing; the embodiment of a joyous and playful attitude - these factors, and many more, serve to create such an environment. Affiliants of Aotearoha Kawanatanga Communities can also benefit from free use of the clinics and rejuvenation services provided by the network of Aotearoha Kawanatanga Retreats.
The wealth of our nation all shall be given to upholding the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health of sovereign heirs without invasive intrusion but through multiple options that sovereign heirs may choose from. Investing in the health of our people ensures the wealth of the nation thus medical services shall be free unless of specialized need that must be accessed internationally.
The doctors one and all must uphold their oath to save life by all means with no boundaries set on age or condition unless the sovereign heir has made choice to stop all treatment and intervention this is their right. The sovereign heir has right over their own body and ability to heal themselves in all aspects. Those incapacitated and unable to make sound decision through that incapacity for themselves shall have these choices made on their behalf by the sacred family unit guided by medical advice.
The natural environment has always been used by humanity with dedicated purpose and shall not be deemed criminal with the breaking of the law of common good based on impairment. Grow hemp for useful purpose and medical conditions, eliminate dangerous drugs and place spiritual meditations to cause the natural high that users seek.
A seminal aspect of Aotearoha Kawanatanga Communities is a conscious focus on the art of 'birthing' and 'dying'. It is critical that we begin to integrate these seminal gateways of the human journey into our reality framework. The Aotearoha Kawanatanga Project explores and facilitates the 'art of living and dying' and does so with a keen attitude. The conscious birthing and reception of souls into our world becomes our most urgent and focused art.
Thus, in the communities:
the months leading up to conception become consciously lived.
community resources are expended on the wellbeing of pregnant women.
every pregnant woman can eat well, feel joy and be inspired by beauty in an environment that supports them.
babies are given superior conditions to grow robust and resilient organs thanks to the optimal biochemistry and nutrients flowing in their mother's blood.
the unbridled use of technological intervention is recognized as counterproductive and abusive.
peace and privacy are embraced as the primary facilitators of easy childbirth.
the first fully conscious generation are birthed expanding creativity, empathy, flexibility, social intelligence and resilience into the marrow of the human family.
students of all ages learn about nature's plan for a fulfilling primal period.
Similarly, a dignified and peaceful death in an environment which is conducive to spiritual retreat and resonant with nature, supported * by conscious loving carers, family and friends, - becomes the most inspirational tenet of society.
Thus, in the communities:
'dying' becomes a conscious 'art'.
'death' is recognized as the mere transition which it is.
these transitions are welcomed consciously, without fear. these transitions are marked by celebrations of life rather than undignified mourning.
birthing and dying are recognized as the same joyous transition.
Each community necessarily incorporates integrated environments for birthing and dying into the fabric of each community, and makes these facilities available to the wider local community.
How Is It Different?
Holistic Healing is the opposite of ordinary medicine. Conventional medicine uses drugs, surgery, and radiation to kill or remove threats within the body. It is invasive. It treats the body as a mechanical system with parts which can be poisoned, removed, or replaced if they malfunction. It hides the symptoms of disease through various chemicals and pain killers. While there can be short term success, (most of us have experienced some success with conventional medicine) the long term result is often a weakened immune system and a depressed spirit. The underlying weakness and disease process generally grows worse with time when symptoms are hidden or suppressed.
Holistic Healing goes to the underlying cause of disease which is weakness and imbalance. It restores vitality so that the body can heal itself through its own amazing healing resources. It is a non-medical, non-invasive approach to healing which can be much more effective than conventional medicine for virtually all conditions.
What Can Be Healed?
Every life threatening physical illness has been healed. Every kind of degenerative disease has been healed. This includes cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and every other life threatening condition. There are recorded cases, even in conventional medical literature, of every dire condition being reversed. Conventional medicine calls it spontaneous remission, as if it were an accident. But there are no accidents, there are never effects without a cause.
The cause of healing is always due to a personal strengthening and normalising caused by changing the internal environment, physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Even conventional medicine ultimately relies on natural healing processes to complete the healing.
The difference is that Holistic Healing starts there. Not only have physical health problems been healed, but also mental and emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, addiction, and emotional instability have been healed. When the whole person is restored to balance these problems disappear because their cause is removed. The human mind, heart, and body are designed to be self healing.
Holistic Healing teaches us how to cooperate with that process, and gives us powerful, positive, and natural ways to take care of our health.
Aotearoha Kawanatanga Health and Wellness methods used are tailored and orientated so as to provide the most appropriate treatment and care for all members of the family, from newborn babies, children, teenagers, adults, pregnant women, and the elderly.
Medicine Garden
The Aotearoha Kawanatanga Medicine Garden design is underway and based on the directions of the compass and was started with the simple planting of the aloe vera plant with each direction holding true meaning.
The garden layout for herbs according to the different systems of the body – the reproductive. the urinary, digestive, immune, liver, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Listed the herbs below according to each system to make it easier.
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