Q-Permaculture - food and other agricultural products are produced using a hybrid of quantum technologies and permaculture principles. Hydroponics and aquaponics - redesigns of existing hydroponic and aquaponic systems, establishing new systems as part of an integrated permaculture strategy to achieve truly organic and natural hydroponic and aquaponic operations.
Conscious Community Farms operate as Organic Permaculture Cooperatives, serving as nationwide exemplars of traditional and permaculture farming and husbandry methods. In addition to servicing the needs of the Communities, Institutes and Retreats, the Farms maintain regional Organic Farmers Markets where organic producers from across the region are able to trade their produce. This Cooperative approach invites the regions non-organic farm operators to join the organic farming revolution, and invites all farmers to embrace these Conscious Community farming methodologies as the next generation of organic farming. Each Cooperative maintains an organic native variety seed bank which it makes available to the greater world, securing the future of native fruit, vegetable and plant species in all Conscious Community locations.
Raw is understood as the most beneficial way to consume food, retaining more nutrients and enhancing health & longevity. Whilst each community itself determines what communal eating facilities it incorporates, raw food & juice cafes serve as both the main eating areas of the community and their primary social hubs. The idea that we each must prepare our food individually, eating alone or in small groups within a walled homestead, is an outdated notion - whilst people and families are of course free to do so if they wish, the fact is that not everyone obtains great joy from the preparation of their food. Environments where those who do love to prepare food are able to do so for others, with love, enthusiasm, care and attention are far more conducive to a healthful lifestyle. Conscious Community represent an opportunity to explore these and many more alternative lifestyle choices as they question all outdated modalities to consciously evolve the human condition.
Shall grow and feed the nations of the Land before profiteering internationally and the sovereign heir has the right to do the same and share the produce with whom so ever. Build upon the lands farms of waters filled with eatable fish feeding plants that the production supply will meet demand. The seeds may be gathered and stored as natural law of nature and as such are not owned by patent or any other burdensome laws of man. You need no permission from another to gather and plant your seeds just as our Creator needs no one’s permission to blow seeds and plant them where they land.
There is much to understand about the nature of life, and how we all adapt to the particular locality we live in and how we become that locality.We are the environment that we live in, just as much as the crops we grow are.
It is confusing to your body cells to be ingesting foods from out of your immediate locale, because they do not resonate with your lifestyles, your thoughts, or your feelings. Instead, you imbibe, you actually “eat” other people’s thoughts and feelings and they become yours, not knowing the danger and incompatibility this has on your digestive system and over- all operation of all your organs, all your growth hormones, all your glands, and everything that makes you “you. ”Your ingesting of the thoughts of other people results in fears and phobias that aren’t even your own, and then you wonder where this all came from.
Know that in order to have healthy and strong bodies, you need to feed them with only foods from your own local communities. This will enhance your life force and bring balance to your thoughts and feelings , because you will be reinforcing and strengthening your desires and dreams—which comprise the mass consciousness of a community.
Plant fruit trees along the street and fruit vines upon the fences let the children eat and dance as they go about. Place your produce at the fence for sale or for sharing. Do this at schools and even local parks and reserves to feed the sovereign heirs.
We need to bring water to the surface so that when our water flows the electrons remain intact. Right now on earth, when water flows through the pipe, the electrons spinoff, resulting in the loss of life force. So you drink ‘dead’water, due to the way water spirals through your pipes. If we keep the water flow electrons intact and protect its life force, we can drink water that is a live. It is living consciousness.
Purification – The Governance of Love technologies incorporate a range of purification technologies that range from state-of-the-art water desalination, sterilization, bacteria and virus elimination systems to naturally occurring effective microorganisms and vermicultures.
Re-structuring - The Governance of Love architecture incorporates water collection facilities which employ geometry, vortices and charged crystals to restructure water.
Vortex treatment - the imploder is a specially designed vortex nozzle, which energizes any water back to its natural state. Multiple experiments have shown vortex treated water to bring health and longevity to plant life, animals and humans alike.