This is how we all sack the NZ and Australian Governments.
An intentionally informal vote is a vote to sack the government.
Step 1. Get your ballot papers Step 2. Draw a line through every name on every ballot paper Step 3. Write on the bottom of it “No suitable candidate to follow my will” Step 4. Put it in the ballot box
This is a vote to sack all the governments, every representative and every senator. This is a valid vote and this is how you sack them.
The electoral commission and the government does not want you to know this information as it stops their representatives from being elected and it also stops the election funding that they receive which is $2.70 per vote.
Given the state that our country is in, the suppression orders; the paedophile network that runs through every Australian and New Zealand School; every candidate; every judge; every public servant; and government service bureaucrat.
They have failed in their fiduciary duties, full stop. They have failed to uphold our customary lores, hereditary rights, customs, traditions, values, culture and basic right of every living man, woman and child. It is an abuse of power on an extraordinary level.
While our countries have many issues to resolve, none will be resolved until we sack the network of career politicians that are sitting in our parliaments at all levels.
Let's all get active and sack them all at the next election.